Ruchika Wason Singh
Seeking a Common Ground
Looking at the (m)other

24. – 26.11. 2023

Werke der India-Week Künstlerin im Ausstellungsraum des Künstler*innenhaus Frise.

Kleinformatige farbige Malereien mit einfachen Formen der India-Week Künstlerin im Ausstellungsraum des Künstler*innenhaus Frise.

Werke, hier Textseiten der India-Week Künstlerin im Ausstellungsraum des Künstler*innenhaus Frise.

Werke der India-Week Künstlerin im Ausstellungsraum des Künstler*innenhaus Frise.

Video der India-Week Künstlerin im Ausstellungsraum des Künstler*innenhaus Frise.

In her artist residency and exhibition at Künstler*innenhaus FRISE, Ruchika Wason Singh looks at feminism through the lens of motherhood and looks for a ‚common ground‘ around the female body, gender identity and work as an artist. The project is an extension of her ongoing research on women artists/mothers and their challenges between artistic work, care work and domesticity as identity markers in everyday life. Based on her project “A.M.M.A.A. – The Archive for Mapping Mother Artists in Asia“, which she began in 2016, Ruchika delves into the commonalities of matricentric feminist discourse – across geographical, linguistic and cultural boundaries. In her Hamburg project, Ruchika designs various research and artistic modes to enable inclusive spaces for participation, dialogue and exchange. This auto-ethnographic approach to artistic practice is reflective (related to the other) and introspective (related to oneself) in order to open up paths of solidarity, empathy and future collaboration. The exhibition will be a presentation of the residency project involving collaborations with artist-mothers from Hamburg, Berlin, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe and Freiburg.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg

Supporting program:
Monday, November 20th, 11 a.m. Germany
3 p.m. India, 10 a.m. UK.

Common Grounds: A Conversation on Artistic Production, Care-Work and Activism. Online Panel Diskussion with: Marcia Breuer, Hamburg (Mehr Mütter für die Kunst.) / Renate Liebel, Stuttgart (Mothers*, Warriors & Poets) / Ruchika Wason Singh, Delhi (A.M.M.A.A.-The Archive for Mapping Mother Artists in Asia). Moderated by Sascia Bailer, independent researcher, curator & writer, Freiburg

Common Ground: An Exercise in Empowerment for Artist-Mothers: The workshop conducted by Ruchika Wason Singh  aims at empowerment and exchange. In English language. Feel free to come with your kids, there is no special childcare though. Please bring simple paper and drawing material you like working with.

Sunday, November 26th, 11 a.m. -1 p.m.Auditorium, Halle für aktuelle Kunst, Deichtorhallen Hamburg Free of charge. Registration required:

In cooperation with Deichtorhallen Hamburg